Understanding Progressive Umbrella Insurance: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding Progressive Umbrella Insurance

In the realm of insurance, one term that often surfaces is “umbrella insurance.” Also known as liability insurance or excess liability coverage, it serves as a protective shield for your assets when faced with a lawsuit judgment. This blog post will delve into the intricacies of Progressive Umbrella Insurance, shedding light on how it works, the coverage it offers, associated costs, and more.

What is Progressive Umbrella Insurance?

What is Progressive Umbrella Insurance
What is Progressive Umbrella Insurance

Progressive Umbrella Insurance, synonymous with excess liability coverage, is designed to safeguard your assets in the event of a lawsuit judgment exceeding the liability coverage of your auto, home, or boat insurance policies. As a leading insurance carrier, Progressive extends its umbrella coverage to policyholders in 42 states and Washington, DC.

How Progressive Umbrella Insurance Works?

Consider a scenario where you’re at fault in a car accident, incurring $500,000 in damages. If your auto insurance liability limit is $300,000, Progressive Umbrella Insurance kicks in to cover the remaining balance, sparing you from out-of-pocket expenses beyond your auto insurance policy limit.

Types of Coverage Offered by Progressive Umbrella:

Types of Coverage Offered by Progressive Umbrella
Types of Coverage Offered by Progressive Umbrella

Progressive Umbrella Insurance provides a range of protections, including coverage for serious bodily injury liability, landlord liability, property damage, slander or libel, and malicious prosecution. This ensures a comprehensive safety net for various liability scenarios.

Minimum Liability Coverage Requirements:

To qualify for Progressive Umbrella Insurance, you must have a minimum of $500,000 in liability insurance on your homeowners and car insurance policies. This prerequisite ensures a foundational level of protection before adding umbrella coverage.

Coverage Limits with Progressive Umbrella:

While most insurance companies set a minimum of $1 million in coverage, Progressive does not explicitly disclose its liability coverage limits. It’s essential to evaluate your specific needs and consult with Progressive representatives to determine the appropriate coverage for your circumstances.

Progressive Umbrella Insurance Costs:

The cost of Progressive Umbrella Insurance varies based on your risk profile, influenced by factors such as net worth, location, credit history, and driving record. Premiums typically range between $150 and $300 per year, with additional considerations for factors like pet ownership or high-risk vehicles.

Progressive Umbrella Insurance Discounts:

Progressive offers a range of discounts to eligible policyholders, including multiple policy discounts, affinity relationship discounts, claims-free discounts, and more. Discounts can significantly impact the overall cost of your umbrella coverage, making it essential to explore available options.

Financial Strength Rating of Progressive Umbrella:

Progressive Umbrella boasts an A+ financial strength rating, indicating a high level of confidence in its ability to fulfill contractual obligations and cover umbrella insurance policies.

How to Apply for Progressive Umbrella Insurance?

How to Apply for Progressive Umbrella Insurance
How to Apply for Progressive Umbrella Insurance

Applying for Progressive Umbrella Insurance is a straightforward process. Visit the Progressive website, complete the application form by providing necessary financial information, and ensure accuracy before submission.

Message from Progressive Umbrella:

Progressive’s commitment to progress is reflected in its core values, guiding every decision and action. The umbrella coverage from Progressive aims to go beyond the limits of regular insurance, offering added liability protection of up to $5 million to safeguard your assets and lifestyle.

Contact Information:

For more information or to apply for Progressive Umbrella Insurance, visit the Progressive website. Progressive Umbrella operates during standard Eastern Time business hours, and the headquarters are located at 6300 Wilson Mills Road, Mayfield Village, OH 44143.

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Does Progressive offer an umbrella insurance policy?

Yes, Progressive provides policyholders with umbrella insurance coverage.

Where does Progressive umbrella do business?

Progressive umbrella operates in 42 states and Washington, DC.

What types of umbrella insurance policies does Progressive umbrella offer?

Progressive offers coverage for serious bodily injury liability, landlord liability, property damage, slander or libel, and malicious prosecution.

What minimum liability coverage does Progressive require?

Progressive requires a minimum of $500,000 in liability insurance before approving an umbrella policy.

How much does Progressive umbrella insurance cost?

The cost varies based on your risk profile but typically ranges between $150 and $300 per year.


Progressive Umbrella Insurance serves as a crucial layer of protection, ensuring that your assets are shielded in the face of unforeseen liability challenges. By understanding how it works, the types of coverage offered, and the associated costs, you can make an informed decision to secure your financial well-being. Explore the available discounts, adhere to minimum coverage requirements, and embark on the journey of comprehensive protection with Progressive Umbrella Insurance.

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